Murmuring to muddy grounds of conflicts

…. Past moments old dreams back again or fresh like those that pass or things, things always and memories I say them as I hear them murmur them in the mud….
…. That’s all for the moment there I leave I hear it murmur it to the mud I leave for the moment life in the light it goes out on my face in the mud and the dark I see me it’s a halt nothing more I’m journeying it’s a rest nothing more….
…. That’s all it wasn’t a dream I didn’t dream that nor a memory I haven’t been given memories this time it was an image the kind I see sometimes see in the mud part one sometimes saw....
Extracts from Samuel Beckett’s “How It Is”
Translated from the French by the Author published 1964 by Grove Press, Inc.
Originally published under the title, “Comment c’ert”, copyright 1961 by “Les Editions de Minuit”, Paris, France.

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