Samuel Beckett

Samuel Barclay Beckett
April 13, 1906-ox Rock Ireland
December 22, 1989, Paris France
Once upon a time one left his country of birth to recognise who he really was and since then many have followed and are following this...
Samuel Beckett finds himself following this gauntlet as he leaves for France.
He starts to write in French language. Words, he writes challenge the one before.
The sentences form themselves rotating around the readership who find themselves at the beginning of the novel whilst still reading forwards, never lost.
They seem to be presenting the absurdity but perhaps it is the absurdity within words and between the lines so far left unknown through repeating.
How about you? Would you leave your country to find out who you really are? What is absurd for you since it may be absurd to think about the absurdity by not absurdly intended.

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