Suddenly Last Summer

Drama written by Tennessee Williams in1958 who also wrote the screenplay with Gore Vidal in 1959. It was directed by Josef L. Mankiewicz starring Elisabeth Taylor, Montgomery Cliff and Katharine Hepburn.

New Orleans 1937, Cathrine Holly suffers under psycological disorder after the violent death of her cousin Sebastian Venable during their holidays in Europe.

Sebastian's mother Violet Venable, tries vehemently to cover the true character of her son and his death by placing Cathrine under the suspision of being schizotypal and having defusional disorders. To achieve this goal, she attempts to bribe the state hospital's administrator, Lawrence J. Hockstader by suggesting to finance a new wing for the hospital, if he promises to persued the hospital surgeon, John Cukrowicz to perform a lobotomy on Cathrine ...... The surgeon let the patient confront the disorder by recalling the events which led to the death of her cousin Sebastian without using a scalpel and leads the healing process.

This adaptation was found lengthy in scenes and dialogues by critics. Noticeable that there are not many scenes in the film which refer to violent or sexual orientations parts of the drama, they have been kept inconspicuous of mentioning until to the ending of the film.

Doesn't one have fortuitous moments to be attended to and be analysed?

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